Farm Maintenance: Is Your Barn Vulnerable to Rattlesnakes?

Owning a barn puts you at risk against various environmental variables. However, it’s an occupational hazard that people in the agricultural industry need to overcome. This is why you should also prepare for potential dangers lurking in the wilderness.

Rattlesnakes are natural predators in nature, hunting down different types of prey, from rodents to fowls. While they’re masters at hiding in obscure wastelands under thick foliage, they’re also highly mobile and can enter enclosures by sneaking past small gaps in fences. Since they can easily sneak in and out of a barn, they can be a real pain to farmers.

The Dangers of Rattlesnakes Around Barns

Rattlesnakes are deadly creatures that can eat your smaller barn animals and even lethally harm your larger animals. While their main objective is to look for food, they can also attack horses, cows, and other larger animals if they feel threatened in an enclosed space. Although it’s possible to survive a rattlesnake bite, their venom can definitely take down larger animals and even humans too.

Animals bitten close to their head or face area can lead to severe inflammation around the eye and nostril areas. Once the respiratory system is blocked, there’s a risk of suffocation from lack of oxygen, even if the venom isn’t potent enough for a lethal dose. This is why it’s vital to protect your barn by looking for vulnerabilities and making it rattlesnake-proof.

The Signs of Rattlesnake Infiltrations

Like all wild animals, rattlesnakes go out of their homes to look for food or potentially find another dwelling. This means they’ll look for places that have clean water, cooler temperatures, and access to vulnerable prey. For this reason, you should check these areas around your barn animals’ dwellings to look for any entry points.

If a rattlesnake has been around your property, you’ll notice a lack of rodents in the area. Additionally, shed skin and missing eggs can also be a sign of recent kills. If there’s an area on your barn animals are seemingly avoiding, it could be a potential burrow for an intruding rattlesnake.

The Proper Protection Against Rattlesnakes

Once temperatures reach their highest during summertime, rattlesnakes and other reptiles are more likely to find cooler areas to live in. For this reason, they’ll burrow around structures where they can make dens. Since barns have pests and other forms of prey, rattlesnakes will naturally invite themselves into these places.

Keeping your barn free from rattlesnakes is a matter of managing gaps in your property’s borders. You should also trim or clear any areas that can serve as hiding spots leading to your barn. Snakes don’t like being exposed to open areas since they’ll then be vulnerable to higher-tier predators. If these solutions aren’t enough, you can spray our Revoke® Snake Repellent to dissuade rattlesnakes from entering your property.


Being far from the city isn’t all bad since it can be a great way to tune off the noise of urban districts. Nevertheless, you must take necessary precautions to keep yourself and your flock safe from harm. Rattlesnakes and other predators can come to your property unprovoked, so it’s vital to make certain adjustments in and around your property to prepare for these looming threats.

If you want to reinforce your barn's protection, you need to go the extra mile with your defenses. With our Revoke® Snake Repellent, you'll have less instances of predatory threats around your property through a nontoxic solution. Protect your barn and order the best snake repellent in the market from us today!